The Crow's Nest

The “hole in my heart” just keeps getting bigger and bigger. We have lost so many dear friends and family since Thanksgiving. Mom went “home” to be with dad in November. Recently Lloyd Gire passed away. Growing up we used to go to the lakes in Bemidji every summer with the Gire family. Cliff Hilde succumbed to pneumonia and cancer a couple of weeks ago. Cliff not only was a good friend, but a dear relative. (Both of our great-grand parents survived an avalanche in Stryn, Norway before coming to the United States.) The last blow was the death of our dear, dear friend Marvin Ulberg this past week. I remember when we first moved back to Edinburg and decided to build a home. Marvin was not very excited about the location as it blocked his view of Trinity Church. It didn’t take long until he told us he was glad we lived across the street from him. I hold dear all the fond memories of Marvin’s onion rings for me and his home-made clam chowder for Chuck. Many a summer afternoon was spent on our deck with Marvin, Effie, mom and dad shelling peas from our garden. Dad would tell me over and over again that he and Marvin had been friends for over 60 years and never had an argument. These last few days have been so bittersweet sharing memories with Effie, Diane, Ron, Sandi and their children. Tonight I look across the street again and there is NO light on in the window of the Ulberg home. Life changes so fast.

Life is spectacular. We mourn the loss of loved ones gone, but rejoice in the new life that is to be. Excitement abounds in our family as John and Christina Monson are expecting a baby! The whole Monson family is thrilled as our dad, Denis really emphasized to John about keeping the “Monson” name alive. Congratulations John, you have done your part!! This means brother David and Loretta will be grandparents.

Speaking of brother, Dave, he is like none other. David is known around Edinburg as the guy who always misplaces everything. When David smoked a corncob pipe he would “stick it” in unusual places (like between the bricks in the old bank building) and then wonder what happened to his pipe. Finally he quit smoking. Next were his eye glasses. I don’t think I am exaggerating at all when I say David loses about 6 pairs a year. Well, Dave was recently in Washington, DC for meetings. To preface this, Ruth, David and myself have the Monson farm up for sale. I needed to talk with David about a possibility. I called his cell phone. A guy named Robert answered. Long story short: Dave had left his cell phone in the cab on the way to the airport. Robert, the taxi driver, said he had answered lots of phone calls for Dave. Leave it to David! Dave got his phone back and everything is well.

I just got home from Minot. I spent the last few days there with 2 of my grandkids while their parents were in Las Vegas. I so enjoy the drive from Minot to Edinburg. I drive Highway 17 all the way to Rugby. There never is any traffic. I especially love the landscape around Wolford. It is quite hilly with lots of water ponds along the road. I had taken a loaf of Ruthie’s homemade brown bread left from the turkey supper last Wednesday. I didn’t eat the whole loaf so I packed it up to bring back with me. When I got to Wolford I noticed lots of ducks sitting on one of the ponds. I stopped and fed them the rest of Ruthie’s brown bread. I can just hear those ducks telling their relatives about that wonderful homemade bread they had for dessert Monday afternoon.

It seems everyone has been enjoying the unseasonably warm and wonderful weather by cleaning their yards of winter’s blanket. I could tell many yards had been mowed. After our nice rain last week the yards have gotten so green. What a wonderful time of the year!

We leave this weekend for Ireland. I know I will have many things to write about when we return. I will “kiss” the Blarney Stone to receive the gift of eloquence, and try to bring a leprechaun home in my luggage. Have a good day.


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April 22, 2005

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You're From Edinburg If
You Know This

You can name everyone you graduated with.

You know what 4-H is.

You used to drive around the Christmas Trees at each end of Main Street during the holidays.

Your teachers called you by your older siblings name.

The closest mall is over an hour away.

You can charge at local stores or write checks without an ID.

These reflections represent almost all small towns on the Dakota Prairie.